The Gorreven Papers — 16 of 23

Derek T. Jones

Release 2

Section 15 - Pour Me Another

A decanter is a kind of thing. A decanter can be filled or empty. A decanter is usually empty.

Understand the command "pour" as something new.

Understand the command "dump" as something new.

Understand "dump [something] into/in/on/onto [something]" as pouring it onto.

Understand "pour [something] into/in/on/onto [something]" as pouring it onto.

Pouring it onto is an action applying to two visible things.

Check pouring it onto:

if the noun is not a decanter:

say "[The noun] isn't something that can be poured.";

stop the action;

otherwise if the noun is not filled:

say "[The noun] is empty.";

stop the action.

Carry out pouring it onto:

say "Carefully you pour [the noun] [if the second noun is a container]into[otherwise]onto[end if] [the second noun]. [run paragraph on]";

now the noun is empty.