Section 5 - Krugnik's Demise
Instead of examining Krugnik when Krugnik is alive and Krugnik is distracted:
say "A drop of water falling from a cooling pipe in the hallway has briefly attracted his attention. He has turned his back on you completely, even though his fingers still rest on the grip of his gun. At the base of his skull, doughy rolls of fat bristle with short black hairs."
Instead of attacking Krugnik when Krugnik is alive and the piece of metal is carried by the player:
if Krugnik is not distracted:
say "It might have been a good idea if it hadn't been right in front of his eyes. [run paragraph on]";
now Krugnik is apoplectic;
say "You come up swiftly behind him and plunge the sharp metal into the back of his neck, through his carotid artery and out the front of his throat. This prevents him from screaming but not from fighting back. You hang onto his back, waiting for him to expend his last few seconds of life; he fires his gun twice but both shots are wild. You are safe. In a moment more he is growing cold in a pool of his own blood.";
now Krugnik is distracted;
now Krugnik is dead;
now the identification card is in the location of the player;
now the pistol is in the location of the player;
now the uniform is in the location of the player.
Instead of attacking Krugnik when Krugnik is alive:
say "You lunge at him, your bare hands grasping for a hold on his throat. [run paragraph on]";
if Krugnik is not distracted:
say "He's looking right at you, though, so he laughs in contempt and fends off your attack easily. He follows up with an extended beating. However few his qualities, you admit to yourself that he is in excellent physical condition. Shortly thereafter you lose consciousness. It is some time before you reawaken, staring up at the single light bulb in the ceiling.";
now Krugnik is suspicious;
say "He is not paying attention at the moment and you manage to get a grip on the back of his thick neck. His response is immediate; he slams backward into the wall, crushing you against it, then wrenches you off his back, throwing you with one swift motion onto the floor. [run paragraph on]";
now Krugnik is apoplectic.
Instead of attacking Krugnik when Krugnik is dead:
say "He's already dead."
Instead of examining the uniform when Krugnik is alive:
say "It's a clean, well-pressed dark green uniform. The guard's bulk fills it out, stretching some of the pleats."
Instead of examining the uniform when Krugnik is dead:
say "You can still smell his odor on the collar and armpits. Blood is spattered down the front which is very annoying but there isn't much you can do about that."
Instead of wearing the uniform when the player is wearing the coveralls:
try taking off the coveralls;
continue the action.
Instead of wearing the coveralls when the player is wearing the uniform:
try taking off the uniform;
continue the action.
Instead of wearing the identification card when the player is not wearing the uniform and the player is not wearing the coveralls:
say "You're not wearing anything you can pin it onto."
After wearing the uniform for the first time:
say "You struggle into his uniform. You are roughly the same height, but he was considerably larger at the middle, so the uniform bags somewhat. By tightening the belt, you look passable. It is unfortunate for the guard that it had to come to this but that is what happens to obstacles. [run paragraph on]";
try examining the uniform.
Instead of taking a dead guard:
say "There's no reason to burden yourself with that."