Section 7 - Halls of Woe
The Dimly Lit Hallway is east of the Lower Stairwell. "A wide corridor extends to the south, with some light coming from its far end. To the west is the stairwell. There is a bad smell coming from a narrower passage that continues to the east."
After going to the Dimly Lit Hallway for the first time:
say "You stop a moment and let your eyes adjust to the darkness.";
continue the action.
The Filthy Corridor is east of the Dimly Lit Hallway. "[if unvisited]As you enter the narrower passage, you are obliged to stop and adjust to the rank smell[unicode ellipsis]something is rotting or decaying. [end if]Cells line both sides of this corridor. The jail cells lack the individual light bulb that your own cell had. You feel honored. A flickering flourescent light with a broken cover illuminates the area in a way that gives a surreal cast to everything it touches. The only exit is west to the dimly lit hallway."
The jail cells are scenery. The description is "Most of the occupants are[unicode ellipsis]not alive. Those that are, you are half-inclined to put out of their misery." The jail cells are in the Filthy Corridor.
Carry out examining the jail cells for the first time:
say "You squint deeper into the darkness. All of the cells have a little doorbell-like device. Above each one is a sign. [run paragraph on]"
The lumpy shape is a thing in the Filthy Corridor. The shape can be detached or connected. It is connected. The shape can be seen or unseen. It is unseen.
Instead of entering the jail cells:
say "You don't see how to, and you don't want to."
Instead of examining the lumpy shape:
If the shape is connected and the shape is unseen:
say "It's on the floor, extending out under the bars of one of the cells. [run paragraph on]";
if the shape is unseen:
say "You bend lower to take a closer look[unicode ellipsis]Ugh. It's a decaying human arm. [run paragraph on]";
now the shape is seen;
say "It makes your usually strong stomach twist a little to look at it[if the shape is connected]. It seems to be connected to a lumpy shape inside the cell. You can guess what that might be[end if].";
Instead of taking the lumpy shape:
if the lumpy shape is seen:
say "There's no reason to bring that with you.";
otherwise if the lumpy shape is connected:
say "You pull at it gingerly; there is some resistance, but then it suddenly breaks free. The motion stirs up the still air and you nearly gag with the strength of the smell. You drop it in disgust.";
now the lumpy shape is detached.
The sign is scenery in the Filthy Corridor. "It reads, 'RING WHEN READY TO COOPERATE.'"
The Gently Inclined Hallway is south of the Dimly Lit Hallway. "The hallway inclines upward gently. The light is brighter as the hallway continues to the west."
The Wide Corridor is west of the Gently Inclined Hallway. "The corridor ends in a huge doorway to the south that fills the hall."
Ferkvank is an ordinary guard in the Wide Corridor.
Rule for writing a paragraph about Ferkvank:
if Ferkvank is alive:
say "A guard leans idly against the wall.";
say "The body of a guard lies crumpled on the floor.";
now Ferkvank is mentioned.