The Gorreven Papers — 3 of 23

Derek T. Jones

Release 2

Section 2 - Breaking Badly

[The other pre-existing meaning of 'break' is to 'attack', meaning to damage the subject if possible. Some things are easily breakable, but things made of glass can only be broken if the player has access to something hard enough to break glass. Introduce "smash" as a verb which conveys the player's intent to break something glass-like.]

Understand the command "break" as something new.

Understand the command "smash" as something new.

Breaking off is an action applying to one visible thing.

Understand "break off [something]" as breaking off.

Understand "break [something] off" as breaking off.

Breaking it off of is an action applying to two visible things.

Understand "break [something] off [something]" as breaking it off of.

Understand "break [something] off of [something]" as breaking it off of.

Check breaking off:

if the noun is not part of an object:

say "But [the noun] isn't part of anything.";

stop the action.

Carry out breaking off:

say "You can't see how to break off [the noun]."

Check breaking it off of:

if the noun is not part of the second noun:

say "But [the noun] isn't part of [the second noun].";

stop the action.

Carry out breaking it off of:

say "You can't see how to break [the noun] off of [the second noun]."

Smashing is an action applying to one visible thing.

Understand "smash [something]" as smashing.

Understand "break [something]" as smashing.

Smashing it with is an action applying to two visible things.

Understand "smash [something] with [something]" as smashing it with.

Understand "break [something] with [something]" as smashing it with.

An object can be glasslike. An object is usually not glasslike.

An object can be glass-smashing. An object is usually not glass-smashing.

Check smashing:

if the noun is glasslike:

say "You might be able to smash it with something strong enough.";


say "It doesn't seem like [the noun] is the kind of thing you can smash.";

stop the action.

Check smashing it with:

if the noun is not glasslike:

say "It doesn't seem like [the second noun] could be used to smash [the noun].";

stop the action;

otherwise if the second noun is glass-smashing:

continue the action;


say "The [second noun] isn't hard enough to smash [the noun].";

stop the action.

Detaching is an action applying to two visible things.

Understand "detach [something] from [something]" as detaching.

Understand "remove [something] from [something]" as detaching.

Check detaching:

if the noun is not part of the second noun:

say "[The noun] isn't attached to [the second noun].";

stop the action;

otherwise if the noun is the sharp piece of metal and the second noun is the cot:

continue the action;

otherwise if the second noun is not a thin-handled implement:

say "[The noun] won't come off easily.";

stop the action.

Carry out detaching:

say "You twist [the noun] off of [the second noun].";

now the noun is carried by the player.